PS News

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Trailer

Activision and Sledgehammer Games has unleashed the trailer for the next Call of Duty game which is entitled, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and interestingly have showcased the game running on the Xbox One games console – making a point of it in the trailer. The game will release on

Without Memory announced for PS4

Russian developers Dinosaurum Games has announced a new game for the PS4 which is currently in concept stage and will be a third person open world adventure game using Epic’s Unreal Engine 4 featuring an ordinary girl called Anna.  Set for release in 2016 the game has no real details

PS4 v1.70 Update rolls out today

Sony has today revealed that the latest PS4 v1.70 update which will be rolling out from today and offers a whole host of requested features including the option to remove the HDCP for games which will allow users to capture gameplay footage using external capture cards. Take a look at

Driveclub Release Date Trailer

Evolution Studios has today finally revealed the PS4 release date for its eagerly anticipated Driveclub which looks set to astonish and entertain in equal measure when it launches on October 8th 2014. Originally planned as a launch game, Evolution have spent the time polishing the game to make it the

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes Update details

Konami has announced that it will be updating its Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on May 1st which will enable the console exclusive missions to be played on any console. This means, Playstation gamers can mess around with the Jamais-Vu mission which features the Raiden character and Xbox gamers can

Codemasters announces GRID Autosport

Codemasters has today announced a new game in their action packed racing series GRID with the arrival of GRID Autosport which will arrive on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms on the 24th June 2014. There are no plans at present to bring an Xbox One or PS4 version to