PS News

Red Johnson’s Chronicles – One Against All now on Live and PSN

Lexis Numérique’s latest game,  Red Johnson’s Chronicles – One Against All is now available worldwide on PlayStation Network for 9.99€/$9.99/£7.99 and on Xbox Live for 800 MSP. As the previous game, players will take the role of the detective Red in Metropolis City. In this new episode, they will

Dishonored developer diary video Part 2 – Immersion

Bethesda released a new developer video which takes a look at the finer qualities of the forthcoming action game Dishonored. Arkane Studios discuss the creative process that went into building the world and characters of Dunwall — from the city setting and it’s strange technologies to the all-star cast voicing

Transformers: Fall of Cybertron Dinobot trailer

High Moon Studios released a new action packed Transformers Fall of Cybertron trailer which shows off the Dinobot multiplayer influence. Here is a breakdown of the three DLC packs, all of which are available for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Dinobot Destructor Pack – includes the following multiplayer characters,

Capcom details post launch Resident Evil 6 content

Capcom, has announced details of an extended Resident Evil 6 experience which will be further enhanced with the release of new modes and additional content come release on October 2nd. Available as downloadable content, three new gameplay modes will expand on the multiplayer elements and include the following: Survivors Mode takes the classic

Hitman Absolution clothing – Rihanna spotted

Square Enix Ltd announced a new UK exclusive clothing collaboration with Trapstar to celebrate the forthcoming Hitman: Absolution release on 20th November.   Using  imagery from the game, the London-based clothing label will design a series of items including t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts and caps which will feature the iconic barcode, sniper