Our Team

Current Team members:

Robert Cram – Site Owner/Editor

Robert Cram has been gaming for many years and has 20 years experience working within the games industry.  His motto is “there’s always time to game”.

Jake Lyons – Reviews Contributor

The strong arm of our North American reviews team.

Jared Brikey – Reviews Contributor

Hard hitting and to the point reviews with a natural flair for reasoned criticism.

Wayne Julian – Contributor/Gears of War nutjob/Designer

Wayne is an avid gamer with years of experience and a real passion for games of all types. Then there’s Gears! The two are inseparable.

Andrew “Banksy” Banks – Reviews contributor

Andrew loves all genres of video games and has been playing them since he was 5 years old. Many years later and the passion is still there.

Margaret Adesanya-Cram – Contributor

Assistant to the Site Owner and Editor. Behind the scenes operations.

Richard “Lionheart” Halsey – Reviewer/Designer

Starting with Age of Empires II and Moto Racer, Richard has been playing PC games since he was 11 years old. He can be found tinkering with his PC builds and working on digital art.