LoveXLust is an Easy to Play VR game to look into

Lots of adult-themed VR games out there to try, but this latest one LoveXLust we’ve play tested (for science), is actually pretty feature complete. The game features various scenes, some distracting mini-games and really easy to use custom character creator. Take a look at our preview impressions. The game is

Operation Lovecraft TALON Update 2025

A new update arrives for Operation Lovecraft which introduces new investigator Talon. The Talon update also adds VR enhancements which includes being able to be used in all areas now. There are two new locations for single-player interactions and each character gets a new unlockable outfit. This is a great

Operation Lovecraft Oily Skin, and Customization Options

Project Helius’ long in development game Operation Lovecraft, seemingly drip-feeds the content, and more recently has refined many of the gameplay elements (if you can call them that). In its most recent additions, players can now deploy a far greater level of skin wetness which frankly resembles baby oil more