ID@Xbox Spotlight Video Series

Team Xbox posts a very informative look at some of the ID@Xbox upcoming games in this new video series. Originally intended for viewing during the now cancelled GDC 2020.
Team Xbox posts a very informative look at some of the ID@Xbox upcoming games in this new video series. Originally intended for viewing during the now cancelled GDC 2020.
Lots of new games on show in this ID@Xbox E3 2019 sizzle trailer. Coming to Xbox Game Pass.
Microsoft announced that Cuphead will be releasing on September 29th and showcased this trailer featuring the ID@Xbox line-up of titles coming to an Xbox near you.
See what’s new from ID@Xbox with this E3 2016 trailer showcasing some fine looking new games. Risk takers, rule breakers, and game changers. Xbox is home to the best, most creative and innovative games coming from Independent gamers.
Over The Moon Studios released its budget sci-fi adventure game The Fall on PC via Steam and more recently has arrived on Xbox One as part of the ID@Xbox self publishing program. Players assume the role of ARID an AI driven combat suit which crash lands on a planet filled
To get up to speed on some of the cool games coming from the indie scene here’s a montage video which looks at the self published ID@Xbox games coming to a console near you soon.
When Frogmind set out to build and complete a game within a year no one knew that Badland would turn out to be such a smash hit on iOS and Android. Players logged millions of hours guiding furry little creatures through a dark, atmospheric adventure that wonderfully used physics based
Grip Games releases Tower of Guns on consoles and PC providing a quick fix no nonsense shooting game that begs to be explored as players jump, power up and shoot. With a simplistic premise and an old school vibe is this worth checking out considering it’s free to download for
Milkstone Studios releases its first person shooter dungeon crawler to the masses in Ziggurat which is available now on Xbox One and PC. With a rogue-like flavour is this worth sinking the £11.99 asking price? Take a look at our Ziggurat review for the full picture. Ziggurat Review: Today we’re
Today we’re taking a look at Team 17’s 70s inspired cop drama top down shooter LA Cops which is available on Xbox One as part of the ID@Xbox program, PC and will be available on the PS4. LA Cops Review: To keep things brief, the game puts players into the