Xbox News

Tales of the Borderlands announced for console and PC

Telltale Games announced yesterday during the VGX Awards that it will be bringing a new  Borderlands game next year on consoles and PC. Entitled, Tales of the Borderlands, the game is being co-developed with Gearbox software and will feature new playable characters amidst some familiar faces from the series. The

Tomb Raider Definitive Edition Trailer

As we predicted earlier this year, Tomb Raider is making the transition to next gen consoles with a revised version of the game. During the VGX Awards last night, Square revealed Tomb Raider Definitive Edition which sounds more akin to the PC version with some extras thrown in and all

VGX 2013 winners

Here is the list of winners from last night’s VGX 2013 Awards in LA which was hosted by Geoff Keighley and Joel McHale who brought some rather dry comic relief to the show. This year, with a new name VGX  ditched the usual glitzy format, for a more personal hands-on

Bungie reveals Destiny release date

Bungie has posted the release date for their first independent project, under the wings of Activision and eagerly anticipated first person shooter MMO Destiny which is coming to multiple systems in 2014. Ahead of the release, there will be a Beta, first on PS4 and then on PS3 in the

Call of Duty Ghosts updated

Infinity Ward have been listening to fans and have released a new update for Call of Duty Ghosts on Xbox One. Take a look at the patch notes below for more details on what’s included in this latest fix. Performance Improved performance issues caused by spamming. Stability Fixed issues that

DARK Cult of the Dead DLC is available now

Gamers looking to add more to Kalypso Media’s stealth vampire game DARK, can now do so with the arrival of the DARK Cult of the Dead which is available to purchase for Windows PC via digital download and on the Xbox 360 for £3.99/€4.99/$5.99.  Take a look at the trailer for

Finding an Xbox One this Xmas guide

Microsoft are well aware that many retailers across the globe have sold out of the Xbox One and that it’s a bit of a gamble finding an Xbox One, although some stores are likely to have limited replenished stock.  The problem  for many it seems stems from many retailers gaining