Xbox News

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Trailer

Activision and Sledgehammer Games has unleashed the trailer for the next Call of Duty game which is entitled, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and interestingly have showcased the game running on the Xbox One games console – making a point of it in the trailer. The game will release on

Spider-Man 2 appears on US Xbox One Store

It was recently suggested that the Xbox One version of Beenox’s movie tie in game Spider-Man 2 would not be appearing on the Xbox One and was indefinitely delayed. Today it appears the game is in fact available on the US Xbox One Marketplace for $59.99. It has also been

Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes Update details

Konami has announced that it will be updating its Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes on May 1st which will enable the console exclusive missions to be played on any console. This means, Playstation gamers can mess around with the Jamais-Vu mission which features the Raiden character and Xbox gamers can

Codemasters announces GRID Autosport

Codemasters has today announced a new game in their action packed racing series GRID with the arrival of GRID Autosport which will arrive on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms on the 24th June 2014. There are no plans at present to bring an Xbox One or PS4 version to

Bandai Namco Games announces new titles for 2014

Bandai Namco Games has today released lots of new information regarding some of its 2014 line-up of games which includes release dates for Soul Calibur Lost Swords and Ace Combat Infinity. There’s also some new collections for One Piece Pirate Warriors and Naruto  fans amongst other things. Take a look

5 million Xbox One consoles sold to retailers

Yusuf Mehdi, Corporate Vice President of Marketing, Strategy and Business, Xbox has posted a message regarding the latest USA NPD figures which puts TitanFall as the top selling game in March 2014.  He also mentions some impressive worldwide sales of the Xbox One at over 5 million shipped to retailers