
The PS4 features or the mere promise?

Sony have finally unveiled the PS4 – wait no, they haven’t quite unveiled their new PlayStation console, it’s still a mystery as to the aesthetics of the box, though we’ve been well and truly filled in on Sony’s vision for what the PlayStation 4 aims to deliver. It’s what the

Assassin’s Creed 4 coming to Europe in WWII?

It might be common knowledge now that Ubisoft are holding an Assassin’s Creed event in London next week, but looking beneath the surface and perhaps reading a bit too much between the lines, it could be construed that Assassin’s Creed 4 is heading to London/Europe  as its next location. We

The Lara Croft contrast – old vs new video

Developers Crystal Dynamics working under Square Enix have a tough campaign on their hands with the latest Tomb Raider game because in order to reboot the series, they’ve effectively changed the perception of the main protagonist Lara Croft   from buxom pin-up adventurer into a more humanized gaming character. There’s a

Another black gaming lead – does race matter?

There’s been a few notable games which have featured black characters, much like the token black guy meme in movies, video games have been no strangers to having black sidekicks. Yet, when it comes to the lead role, black gaming lead  characters have somewhat been overshadowed by their Caucasian counterparts

Are gamers expecting too much from next gen consoles

There’s nothing wrong with being excited for new things, it’s a human characteristic that instils a feeling of well-being that can only be seen as a positive in an industry filled with so much negativity. But then on the flip side, when the same over-eager anticipation turns to disappointment there’s

Number of on screen characters no longer a focus

We remember a long time ago interviewing George Andreas in Tokyo 2005 asking him about the game Kameo Elements of Power and how the forthcoming Xbox 360 provided them (Rare) the power to create more believable worlds filled with far more characters on screen at any one time. Kameo was