Xbox Videos

Aliens Colonial Marines TV advert

SEGA USA released a new TV advert which you can see in the video for their soon to be released Aliens Colonial Marines video game which looks like doing the franchise proud with its dark and horrific atmosphere.

This level is just one reason why DmC is awesome

Now the game has released into the wild, and no doubt places like Youtube will become flooded with walkthroughs and such like, here’s a video of one of the levels which highlights that Ninja Theory used a fair bit of imagination with their level design; taking players on a gaming

Amazing Far Cry 3 user created maps

We’ve recently been showcasing a number of Far Cry 3 user created maps and thought we’d share some of the results by picking our most favoured maps sent into us by various map making gamers from the Far Cry 3 gaming community. It takes a lot of time and patience

Cyberpunk 2077 teaser trailer

CD Projekt Red released a new teaser CGI trailer for their new project Cyberpunk 2077 which sets the tone nicely, Check it out and be enthralled at the artistic direction but don’t be too put off by the statement at the end of the video. “The teaser shows how the

Microsoft unveils the Illumiroom project

Something new for the next Xbox as evidenced by the leaked documents several months ago which showed some sort of integrated projection device is the IllumiRoom project which is possibly going to be a part of the next Xbox, speculated to be announced at E3 this year.  What looks like