
Bloodborne Sales Surpass 1 million Units

Sony has just announced that From Software’s PS4 exclusive action role playing game Bloodborne sales have surpassed the 1 million units sold mark as of April 5th 2015 (the game released on March 24th). This figure is representative of units sold to retails rather than actual numbers sold to the

400,000 Wii Us sold last week

Nintendo has gone public and announced that it has sold more than 400,000 Wii U hardware units over the last week, and since launching the games console in North America on November 18th. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said that sales numbers were capped by the number of units

Black Ops II massive day 1 sales

According to one daily newspaper in the UK, they have today revealed that Black Ops II has shifted 8 million units globally on PS3 and Xbox 360 in just 24 hours of going on sale, putting any rivals to shame.  Black Ops managed to squeeze around 5.6 million units for

Halo 4 sees record breaking week one revenue

Microsoft has today released some numbers pertaining to last week’s launch of Halo 4. Apparently Halo 4 has seen some record breaking revenue for its first week amassing some $220 million sales revenue worldwide in the first 24 hours of being on sale. It’s expected to reach $300 million for

Borderlands 2 shifts 5M units to retailers

2K Games and Gearbox are today proud to announce that their sequel to their sci fi steampunk style open world FPS Borderlands 2 has sold over 5 million units to retailers since launching this September. “We’re thrilled with the momentum of Borderlands 2 and it’s really a testament to all