Shootmania Storm video review

Today we’re taking a look at Ubisoft and Nadeo’s fast paced back to basics first person shooter multiplayer game which is as addictive as they come and follows on from the popular Trackmania. Shootmania Storm review text version: The premise is rather simple here as players jump into to

BattleBlock Theater review

The Behemoth has been responsible for some pretty great games on the Xbox Live Arcade, with Castle Crashers arguably being the most popular one. The frantic, fun, four player beat-em-up romp was both accessible and deep, giving newbies and veterans something to enjoy together on the couch or across continents

Played the game now watch the Defiance TV show?

We take a look at the pilot episode of Defiance in our video review which you can check out below. Does the TV show compliment the game and vice versa? Defiance TV Show review – Text Version. As Defiance airs on US and now UK shores in conjunction with

Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel review

Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel is the third in EA’s co-operative emphasized series, though it’s more of a somewhat back to basics approach than an evolution of the series’ core formula. Long time and ageing co-op protagonists Rios and Salem look to have had their day, it’s now time

DARK skills trailer

Kalypso Media released a new skills trailer for their forthcoming vampire stealth game, DARK. DARK will immerse players into a near-future urban landscape as they take on the role of Eric Bane, a newly turned vampire who is on a quest to uncover the secrets of the most ancient vampires.

Mars War Logs overview trailer

Focus Home Interactive released a new overview trailer for their forthcoming Mars War Logs which is coming to PC and consoles next month. The video is narrated by Jehanne Rousseau, CEO of Spiders Studio and shows new gameplay sequences and tells you all you need to know about the game.

Black Ops II voted best game on Xbox

Microsoft revealed the winners of their Xbox Entertainment Awards in the UK and it appears that UK gamers at least love a bit of shooting as they voted Activision’s Call of Duty Black Ops II as the best game for the 2013 awards. They also voted Black Ops II season

Dishonored The Knife of Dunwall available now

Bethesda has today announced (in case you had forgotten) that its latest expansion for Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall is available now on Xbox 360 and Steam – although PS3 gamers will have to wait until tomorrow. Gamers can expect to part with 800 MSP or £7.99 / €9,99 / AU$14.45.