Assassin’s Creed 4 coming to Europe in WWII?

It might be common knowledge now that Ubisoft are holding an Assassin’s Creed event in London next week, but looking beneath the surface and perhaps reading a bit too much between the lines, it could be construed that Assassin’s Creed 4 is heading to London/Europe  as its next location. We

Halo 4 close quarters map pack details

Microsoft has today detailed the next Halo 4 map pack which looks set to offer some close quarters gameplay for fans looking to rack up high kill counts. The Majestic Map Pack will launch on the 25th of Feb. For more information and sneak peek check out the details on Halo

Assassin’s Creed 4 to be announced?

Ubisoft has invited a load of journalists to an event next week which looks like it could possibly be a reveal of the next Assassin’s Creed video game Assassin’s Creed 4. We’re also going to be in attendance and will let you know how things pan out.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan Launch Video

NVIDIA released this showcase video for its newly released GeForce GTX Titan GPU for PCs. For more information, go to NVIDIA GeForce GTX Titan has the same rare combination of raw power and efficiency made for the supercomputer. You get 2,688 NVIDIA CUDA® cores and 4.5 teraflops of gaming horsepower.

Bioshock Infinite – Lamb of Columbia trailer

2K Games released a new trailer for their forthcoming and eagerly anticipated Bioshock Infinite which comes out in March. To clear his debt, Booker DeWitt must rescue a mysterious girl from the sky-city of Columbia. But who is this girl? What makes her so powerful, and why are so many

What did Sony omit from its PS3 evolution video?

Sony has been building up momentum towards its forthcoming February 20th Next Gen showcase event for the Playstation brand, and for a few days now has released videos showing off its impressive track record including the Psone, PS2 and today the PS3 evolution. The short video clips show all sorts

Age of Wulin profession screenshots

Gala Networks Europe has today revealed some  new information on the detailed crafting and professions system of their forthcoming MMO game Age of Wulin which enters its closed beta test soon. [nggallery id=60] Age of Wulin’s professions can be grouped into four categories, ranging from Manufacturing and Gathering to  Culture