
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Story Trailer

Ubisoft has just released an Assassin’s Creed Rogue story trailer which explores the plight of the game’s hero Shay. The game releases alongside the Xbox One, PC and PS4 Assassin’s Creed Unity and is console exclusive to the PS3 and Xbox 360 offering its own compelling story, characters and gameplay.

The Evil Within – The World Within Trailer

Bethesda released a new The Evil Within Trailer which looks at the dark and menacing game world players can explore and survive. The Evil Within releases on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC on the 14th of October in North America and Europe.

Alien Isolation gameplay opening 50 minutes

Alien Isolation is the terrifying space survival game where players take on the role of Ellen Ripley’s daughter Amanda as she investigates the happenings on board the stranded mining vessel stuck in deep space with nothing but an alien and trigger happy humans for company. Take a look at our

How to Survive Storm Warning Teaser Trailer

505 Games and Eko Software released a new short teaser trailer from their forthcoming How to Survive Storm Warning which sees the survival game head to Xbox One, PS4 and PC via Steam as an expanded standalone version of the original game. The game releases this Halloween and should prove

Styx Master of Shadows Gameplay first 60 minutes

Cyanide Studios’ stealth game releases today and so to give you a greater idea of what to expect we’ve posted the Styx Master of Shadows gameplay from the first 60 minutes of the game for your viewing pleasure. At heart, the game offers pure stealth with tons of exploration to

Assassin’s Creed Unity Story Trailer

Ubisoft released an action packed story trailer for their forthcoming Assassin’s Creed Unity which looks like offering a rich and compelling story of love and betrayal, murder or death. The game releases on Xbox One, PS4 and PC only and ships on November 14th.