
The Crew PC Performance Video first 10 minutes

Ubisoft’s The Crew finally hits retail tomorrow on Xbox One, PS4 and PC after enjoying several Beta tests. With the full retail game in our hands we posted a The Crew PC performance video which showcases the opening 10 minutes and highlights how the game performs using the Ultra Settings

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Exo Zombies Trailer

Activision released a new trailer which showcases the forthcoming Exo Zombies mode downloadable content for its Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. The DLC will be available first on Xbox One in January next year and looks like upping the stakes for those familiar with previous zombie nightmares.

Tales from the Borderlands Launch Trailer

Telltale Games released a Tales from the Borderlands launch trailer to whet the appetite for their just released adventure game set within the quirky post apocalyptic world of the Borderlands series. Gone is the open world first person shooter in favour of a more story driven experience, and with games

Destiny: The Dark Below Prologue Trailer

Bungie has just released a Destiny: The Dark Below prologue trailer which showcases the forthcoming expansion to the online first person shooter role playing game. The expansion which releases on the 9th of December aims to provide more weapons, armour and missions amongst other improvements to the core game.

WWE 2K15 Launch Trailer

2K Games released a WWE 2K15 launch trailer to mark the game’s arrival on Xbox One and PS4 this week. The game looks like being the definitive wrestling game with much improved visuals and a plethora of customization options amidst some enticing game modes. For more details take a look