Xbox Screenshots

Alien Rage – screenshots

City Interactive released some screenshots and a trailer for their new game entitled Alien Rage which will release on Steam, PS3 and Xbox later this year. OVERVIEW Alien Rage puts the player in the role of a highly trained elite commando on a mission of sabotage. Featuring non-stop, visceral run-and-gun

Wolfenstein The New Order screenshots

Bethesda has today released some official screenshots from their newly announced Wolfenstein The New Order which should please fans of the long running and highly regarded first person shooter franchise. The game is coming later this year and is planned for PC, current and next generation consoles. [nggallery id=83]

DARK screens and PC requirements

Kalypso Media released some new screenshots from its supernatural stealth game but also for the first time revealed the system requirements when running the game on PC. OS: Windows XP SP2 Processor: 2.0 GHz Dual Core Memory: 2 GB System RAM Hard Disk Space: 5 GB free HDD Sound: DirectX

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon launch screens

Ubisoft released some new screenshots to accompany the launch of the much anticipated Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. Take a look at the screenshots and be sure to check out the launch trailer whilst you’re at it. The game will be released on May 1, 2013 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation

Techland announces Hellraid

Techland has announced a new first person action adventure entitled Hellraid. What’s interesting here is the game offers two games in one: a single-player, story-driven campaign of hack & slash action; and a co-operative multiplayer that pits four players against enemies – and each other. An official website is now

Batman Arkham Origins screenshots

Some new screenshots and artwork have appeared from Batman Arkham Origins courtesy of Redrobin183 over at the Batman Arkham community forums. Take a look a be excited for what is looking like a very cool sequel indeed. [nggallery id=81]

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon new trailer and screenshots

Ubisoft released a new trailer and some screenshots from their eagerly anticipated Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon which will be available for download from next week. Ubisoft also revealed details regarding the game’s rad soundtrack which features a whole host of tracks which are available for pre-order via iTunes store

The Evil Within screenshots

Bethesda released some new images from the Shinji Mikami headed survival horror game, The Evil Within which comes out next year.   The Evil Within is a survival horror game developed at Tango Gameworks under the direction of renowned game designer and studio head, Shinji Mikami. Best known as the

DARK new screesnhots

Kalypso Media released a handful of new screenshots from their forthcoming downloadable stealth supernatural game entitled DARK which sees release on the PC and consoles this summer. DARK is a stealth action game with RPG elements that lets you slip into the role of the ultimate killer… a vampire. Stalk