
Arma 3 available now via Steam

Tactical warfare gamers can now snag Bohemia Interactive’s military shooter Arma III from the Steam store for £39.99 as it releases today. The game has been in Beta for quite some time and looks like being the definitive military shooter sim for PC owners. Take a look at some mighty

Darkout greenlit for Steam – screens and trailer

Indie studio Allgraf is pleased to inform gamers that its forthcoming game Darkout has been Greenlit to appear on Steam in the near future. Darkout offers some sandbox gameplay with randomly generated levels and is a heady mix of survival/RPG. Take a look at some images in our gallery, and

Wizardry Series now on Steam

Night Dive is on a mission to bring classic games back to a large gaming audience with the arrival of Wizardry VI, VII and 8 available now via steam for a modest amount of coin.  The games are available as separate purchases or if you’re feeling particularly adventurous, all three