Multi News

Codemasters announces GRID Autosport

Codemasters has today announced a new game in their action packed racing series GRID with the arrival of GRID Autosport which will arrive on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC platforms on the 24th June 2014. There are no plans at present to bring an Xbox One or PS4 version to

Bandai Namco Games announces new titles for 2014

Bandai Namco Games has today released lots of new information regarding some of its 2014 line-up of games which includes release dates for Soul Calibur Lost Swords and Ace Combat Infinity. There’s also some new collections for One Piece Pirate Warriors and Naruto  fans amongst other things. Take a look

Block Story PC screenshots

Mindblocks Studio LLC, has today announced that its Android/IOS game Block Story will be coming to the PC very soon and released a series of screenshots to whet the appetite. The game is a 3D sandbox RPG adventure and will be available on Steam Early Access later this week on April 25th for

1.7 million Registered Warframe users on PS4

According to the latest figures from Warframe, it appears that the massively popular free to play game has become a hit with PS4 gamers. The figures suggest that since launch there are 1.7 million registered Tennos which are player created characters. Obviously there will be some duplicates across single accounts