Team Reptile just released its rather cool Bomb Rush Cyberfunk for PC via Steam and Switch, with the console versions releasing on September 1st. It’s an unofficial sequel to SEGA’s Jet Set Radio series and to be frank, is quite deserving of that accolade. Some people are even suggesting the game surpasses the original. What makes Bomb Rush Cyberfunk so enthralling is its attention to detail in keeping with the original games themes. Which includes, interesting looking characters, the cel-shaded graphics and of course a banging soundtrack which thus far is pretty awesome (best played loud). We’ve got to take our hats-off to Team Reptile for making this game in the midst of SEGA apparently working on their own game in the series. The more the merrier. This type of game is a breath of fresh air against the usual shooters, RPGs and third person action games we’re used to playing. Check it out!
Bomb Rush Cyberfunk gameplay – A Worthy Unofficial Jet Set Radio Sequel