Jake Lyons

NBA 2K15 Review

Sports have long been entwined with gaming consoles and many gamers strictly stick to this genre alone. They lead their favorite team to championships and create superstars out of their best players all while controlling them from the comfort of their most beloved piece of furniture. With the NBA season

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger Review

The Call of Juarez franchise has had its highs and lows since its induction to Xbox in 2007. After the last full retail flop of the Cartel many believed that the series would never surface again or at least they hoped so. Like any good publisher Ubisoft didn’t give up

Forza Horizon VIP Membership Review

With so many new games popping up on a monthly basis I rarely purchase Limited Edition versions. Sometimes that extra content just isn’t worth shelling out the extra cash and other times I find myself wishing I had given into temptation to get my hands on the goodies. When Forza

Forza Horizon: March Meguiar Car Pack Review

There is nothing better than being able to play a game that you love that releases a steady stream of DLC to give it that extra blast of longevity. Next to Rock Band, Forza has always delivered the DLC goods that keep players shaving off hundredths of seconds on their

Skulls of the Shogun review

Advance Wars started my love for turn-based strategy games almost 12 years ago and since then many others have filled the void while looking for something comparable to the sheer enjoyment and challenge presented in that little cartoony strategy game. I was ecstatic to hear that 17-bit’s game Skulls of