
Zombi U Tower of London trailer

The Wii U is looking to shed its younger audience image with a number of quality looking releases. Zombi U takes center stage and  is looking like the perfect accompaniment to the launch line-up. Check out the latest trailer from Ubisoft.

Tekken fans can get inked in the UK

Namco Bandai has released details of a rather permanent promotion for five UK based Tekken fans.  To the celebrate the launch of Tekken Tag Tournament 2 which hits UK stores this Friday Namco Bandai have teamed up with the World famous Frith St. Tattoo studio in London’s Soho, to offer

Dead or Alive 5 Mila video

Tecmo released a video of new character to the Dead or Alive roster Mila who offers an MMA approach to fighting. Mila is an up-and-coming MMA champion who has scored spectacular victories all over the world. She spends her days training at the gym in between shifts at her part-time

Harry Potter for Kinect demo now Live

Warner Bros. has released a free demo of  their soon to be released Harry Potter  for Kinect video game.  This will be the second time Potter and co. get Kinected , but the first of a truly dedicated Kinect based adventure. The game allows for the Kinect camera to scan

Dishonored developer diary video Part 2 – Immersion

Bethesda released a new developer video which takes a look at the finer qualities of the forthcoming action game Dishonored. Arkane Studios discuss the creative process that went into building the world and characters of Dunwall — from the city setting and it’s strange technologies to the all-star cast voicing