
Warface free to play coming to Xbox

Crytek has announced that its military shooter, Warface which is a free to play game previously only available on PC is now heading to Xbox Live for Gold subscribers who will also benefit from the free to play model. Take a look at the latest trailer to get some perspective

Ryse Son of Rome story details and novel revealed

During Comic-Con in San Diego, Microsoft Studios and Crytek revealed some new story and character details for their upcoming Xbox One exclusive launch title, “Ryse Son of Rome.”  They also released some screenshots to accompany the details which can be viewed on the Xbox blog site. Microsoft also announced a

Crysis 3 review

The tactical combat machine, Laurence Barns, though more prominently known as Prophet, is whom you will be filling the boots of in Crysis 3. Prophet may be the original Nanosuited super-soldier and has featured throughout the Crysis series, that is up until his demise in Crysis 2. It seems you

Crysis 3 shows some impressive realistic models

Forget David Cage talking about polygons into infinity and beyond, showcasing technology which aims to bring gaming characters closer to real life actors. Perhaps forget about the rather cool animations in L.A Noire that cost an arm and a leg to develop and looked pretty cool to boot that everyone

Ashley Roberts brings sexy to Crisis 3

Former Pussycat Doll Ashley Roberts has gone full frontal with EA’s promotion of the just released Crysis 3 by donning the game’s nanosuit – although rather than wear some cheap and tacky costume, is actually body painted onto her skin. Take a look at the images and be amazed at