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The Smurfs 2 video game trailer

Ubisoft released a new trailer from their The Smurfs 2 video game which looks like being a lot of fun with the blue critters who seam to have had a resurgence of interest since the animated movie.

Strider 2013 reveal screenshots and trailer

Capcom announced the return of the character Strider in an all new video game which we’ll refer to as Strider 2013 to avoid any confusion coming to most platforms including PS4 and Xbox One. Take a look at our gallery and the trailer/gameplay video for a slice of the action.

Power Rangers Megaforce 3DS trailer

Namco Bandai released a trailer and some screenshots from their forthcoming Power Rangers Megaforce which is heading to the 3DS later this year, and looks poised to take advantage of the handheld’s features such as the camera. [nggallery id=112] ABOUT: United as one dynamic team, the Power Rangers provide

Ben 10 Omniverse 2 Fight against the Incurseans trailer

Namco Bandai released a new trailer and some screenshots for the return of Ben 10 on games consoles with the arrival of Ben 10 Omniverse 2 coming November 2013. [nggallery id=111] ABOUT: Ben 10: Omniverse 2  is the latest installment in the top-selling global interactive franchise from D3Publisher and