Like a number of people, we’ve been posting theories and observations over at the GAF and have come up with one bright idea that the whole Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer is a dream sequence as part of Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, where the lead character Naked Snake, or Big Boss lies in a comatose state. He sees lots of hellish fire, people who look like they are from his past, and a giant ghostly whale – fusing reality with fantasy.
It’s pretty much a given now that this game is to do with Metal Gear series mastermind Hideo Kojima, but has also a left a lot of speculation as to who the character is and the setting. Could it be Big Boss, Solid Snake, Liquid or even Solidus? Our money is on Big Boss, but there’s still lots of questions unanswered which will no doubt become clear once Kojima, erm, Joakim Mogrem and his Moby Dick Studios release some more info.
In the mean time, take a look at our remixed trailer video which offers a different take on the order of events. What else is a super soldier supposed to do when in a coma – reflect on the past, escape the eternal nightmare or become subjected to scientific prodding and poking – or better yet, get turned into a cyborg a la “The Snatcher Project” which is hinted at in the official game database and in previous games.