Here’s a Mass Effect Andromeda character customization tutorial for the female Sarah Ryder. It’s a quick showcase on how to make the character more pleasing on the eye using one of the customisation heads. A lot has been said with regards to the default Sarah Ryder looking like a chimp but with a little bit of tweaking you can make a fairly decent character. One thing to be mindful of is that there’s no way of changing the look of your character once you start the game. You’ve got a potential of many hours ahead of you with your chosen one so it’s best to make her look right before diving in. Sadly, you can’t avoid the fish eye stare of the character but this can be lessened with darker eye colours.
If you look at the main image above here you can see a slightly tweaked version of the same character in the video. Here the nose was narrowed slightly, the hair style changed and the eye colour brown rather than the piercing blue.