Far Cry 6 Cockfighting video Highlights some Interesting Stats

Here we take a look at some rather interesting statistics for our Far Cry 6 Cockfighting video, which in the last 7 days has seen a sharp rise in views. The video was uploaded October 10th 2021, not long after the game released [October 6th]. This is a fun mini-game which is kind of a homage to games like Tekken and Mortal Kombat.

At a glance then, the most views come from Vietnam, with Indonesia in close second followed by the Phillipines. Those three countries account for 18.8%,17.2% and 9.9% of the views respectively. This is most likely due to the fact that cockfighting still exists in those countries but are likely to be illegal. Purto Rico (which is not even listed on this list) is one of the few places where it is still legal. In fact, many countries have banned cockfighting, but in some places the law turn a blind-eye. Interestingly, the United States has just over 10,000 views and accounts for a mere 1.5% of the total views.

What also caught our attention was the ratio of males and females watching the video which has an overal view duration of around 3 minutes. Women account for almost 40% of the viewers. The highest age groups rest between 25 – 34 years of age which account for almost half the views.

All that said though, naturally, some people might just be interested in Far Cry 6 the game and stumbled across the video rather than searched it or clicked whilst browsing.


Vietnam 129,852 – 18.8%
Indonesia 118,663 -17.2%
Philippines 68,573 – 9.9%
Thailand 65,528 – 9.5%
India 54,582 – 7.9%
Cambodia 30,784 – 4.5%
Mexico 30,300 – 4.4%
Brazil 26,930 – 3.9%
Pakistan 11,258 – 1.6%
Myanmar (Burma) – 10,713 – 1.6%
United States 10,312 – 1.5%
Dominican Republic 9,946 – 1.4%
Laos 8,541 – 1.2%
Iraq 8,147 – 1.2%
Colombia 8,003 – 1.2%
Malaysia 6,088 – 0.9%
Ecuador 6,041 – 0.9%
Argentina 4,190 – 0.6%
Peru 3,930 – 0.6%
Turkey 3,407 – 0.5%
Bangladesh 2,740 – 0.4%
Sri Lanka 2,509 – 0.4%
Uzbekistan 1,857 – 0.3%
Guatemala 1,509 – 0.2%
Russia 1,080 – 0.2%
Venezuela 1,072 – 0.2%
Spain 814 – 0.1%
Panama 743 – 0.1%
Honduras – 663 – 0.1%
Italy – 553 0.1%
Egypt – 539 – 0.1%
Kazakhstan 490 – 0.1%
Morocco – 426 – 0.1%
Kyrgyzstan – 425
Nepal 354
Algeria 351
Bolivia 342
Chile 330
Saudi Arabia 330
El Salvador 287
Germany 258
France 236
Timor-Leste 220
Costa Rica 199
Romania 197
Azerbaijan 187
Nicaragua 183
Iran 134
United Kingdom 107
Georgia 107


Fe­male 37.5% view duration 2:27
Male 62.6% view duration 2:20


13–17 years – 2.0%

18–24 years – 26.6%

25–34 years – 46.8%

35–44 years – 21.3%

45–54 years – 2.9%

55–64 years – 0.4%

65+ years – 0.1%

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.