Spartacus Legends puts gruesome back into fighting

Ubisoft released a new trailer for Spartacus Legends which is looking like a highly gruesome and graphically impressive arena based fighting game.  The game will be free to play and comes to the Xbox Live Arcade on June 26th. A PSN version is planned for a later date.

Will Microsoft lower the Xbox One price to match PS4?

Microsoft has done a massive u-turn with its Internet 24 hour check in, and game sharing policy after reactions from the general public. However, it would be ignorant to believe Microsoft’s actions are reactionary as opposed to something pre-planned or at least signs they had a contingency for the expected

Stunning Next Gen Destiny hi res screenshots

Bungie released a massive load of stunning next gen Destiny hi res screenshots to whet the appetites and to show that they mean business outside of their Halo franchise. Take a look at the images and be impressed for the game which is sounding, and looking more interesting by the

Xbox One just lost one of its best features

News just in. Microsoft has posted details of some policy changes for Xbox One which will be music to gamers ears, but not all of them. On its official newswire website the details have been amended to reflect that Xbox One offline play will be enabled with the use of

Could game sharing be coming to Steam?

A user over at the Neogaf forums posted some interesting info on what looks like the possibility of sharing games using the Steam service. In the latest Steam Beta update some interesting text was unearthed. To check it for yourself, you can update to Steam Beta. Steam > Settings >

Some neat possibilities for the Xbox One

The Xbox One might seem like presenting too many infringements on gamer freedoms and costing more than its competitor, but if you look beyond these pressing niggles for Microsoft, the console itself is offering some potentially cool stuff to those who aren’t concerned with the always connected to Internet and