Is Xbox One winning the software war?

According to the weekly sales chart it appears that gamers who have shown interest in Microsoft’s Xbox One console are also interested in one game in particular and it’s not a Microsoft first party title or exclusive. The Amazon charts place Call of Duty Ghosts as the most pre-ordered

Payday 2 the Web Series Episode 2

505 Games released part 2 of their Payday 2 the Web Series which offers greater insight into the forthcoming game heading to consoles and PC. You can also catch up and watch Episode 1 here.

Does the $100 PS4 price difference really matter

Having readdressed the balance with its momentous u-turn on DRM and Internet check ins, Microsoft still has the prospect of the $100 difference in pricing which at this time makes the PS4 seem like the more attractive console to purchase if you’re torn between the two. However, it’s not as

Magrunner launch trailer

Released today for PC audiences is the all new first person puzzle adventure game which should exercise the grey matter and offer a comprehensive story to boot. Take a look at the launch trailer and then head on over to Steam and check it out, if you’ve got the head