We take another look at the early access version of IrisVR’s cyberpunk themed action role playing game LOW-FI. The game comes to PS4/5 and PC later this year and is also VR compatible for their respective headsets. In this latest update video, we take a look at the currently available locations. The game offers the chance to fly a craft above the city and chase down punks, whilst conducting investigations on foot.
You’re the sheriff of cityblock 303, a retro-futuristic cyberpunk slum where the only inhabitants of note are other “low-fi”. Humans too poor to jack into the platform, and rusting old robots that didn’t achieve the intelligence singularity. What you do with your time is up to you. Are you a good cop, hotshot?
As the player, you are “low-fi”, the street name given to those who cannot merge with the platform, a ubiquitous virtual reality simulation where most of the population now live their lives. You are a police officer and have been transferred to a particularly crime ridden section of city-block 303. The only inhabitants of note in your jurisdiction are other low-fi, and the human intelligence (or lower) artificial life forms who have remained among the citizens after the AI singularity.
LOW-Fi is a new kind of experience designed specifically for VR. More akin to a holodeck program than a traditional game. The massive open world has a lot to do, but it’s up to you as the player as to what you want to do. This is a completely non-linear world. You can patrol the skies handing out tickets, hang out in the arcade and play games, or try your luck at the casino. How earn and spend your credits is entirely up to you.
There are tons of upgrades to purchase, from weapon upgrades, to toys for your companions. We want you to roam the world and enjoy yourself the way you want to. We set the stage, but story is in your hands.