Having sampled the console and maxed out PC version of the recently unleashed Crysis 3 beta we can feel proud by saying once again Crytek has done an excellent job of translating their game to consoles. However, the gap between the two versions is quite stark and goes beyond simply being the differences between 720 and 1080p. The console version is not as sharp looking as the PC and is missing plenty of effects and texture details, yet the game still retains the basis of the look Crytek was aiming for. Take a look at the following two videos which show the same Museum level from the Beta on PC with Max settings and Xbox 360. Naturally Youtube’s encoding process has diminished the quality for both videos. What the videos hopefully show is that in this case, the console version has not held back the PC version’s development and that Crytek have not bowed to the lowest common denominator resulting in an impressive looking game that highlights just what is possible when PC hardware is utilized properly. Hopefully when next gen games consoles arrive the gap will narrow somewhat.
PC version:
Console version: