Xbox Videos

EA SPORTS UFC – Next-Gen Fighters video

EA released a rather neat video which showcases their forthcoming EA Sports UFC game and how the character models are makes to look and behave in the most authentic manner possible. The game does a fine job of blurring the lines between reality and game graphics with its fine attention

Titanfall gameplay clips

Some videos have surfaced from EA’s forthcoming and eagerly anticipated shooter Titanfall which is coming to the Xbox One, PC and Xbox 360 on the 14th of next month. The videos show off some sniper and shotgun based gameplay and of course some combat utilizing the game’s stand out feature

The Evil Within horror gameplay video

Bethesda’s year old gameplay has been released in a new video from their forthcoming survival horror game directed by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami and entitled, The Evil Within. The video shows off various dark and foreboding moments  set within more solitary gameplay which should please fans of the original

Child of Light Features trailer

Ubisoft has today released a new trailer for their forthcoming side scrolling action role playing game, Child of Light which is heading to last gen and current gen consoles as a digital download for £11.99 on April 30th. About Child of Light: Child of Light is a reimagining of classic

Warface Xbox 360 beta trailer

Crytek has today announced that gamers can now sign up for the Warface Xbox 360 Beta ahead of the game’s full release this Spring. Having enjoyed success on the PC, console gamers can now get a slice of this free to play team based military shooter – an Xbox Live

Forza Motorsport 5 DLC car pack videos

Microsoft released a couple of videos which show off some of the car packs available now for the rather cool Forza Motorsport 5. Gamers will be able to sample some more motors with the Honda Legends Car Pack and the Smoking Tire Car Pack. The Smoking Tire Car Pack which

Dustforce – Launch Trailer

Capcom released a launch trailer for its action platforming game Dustforce which is available now on the PS3 and PS Vita and comes complete with full cross-save and cross-play functionality. The game will also become available for the Xbox 360. For more details visit the official website.