
Crysis 3 cause and effect video

New York’s Wall Street turned into a battleground in this Crysis 3 “cause and effect” trailer. Assess. Adapt. Attack in the latest installment of the 7 Wonders of Crysis 3 cinematic video series entitled “Cause and Effect”. In this episode, Prophet utilizes the deadly combination of his enhanced Nanosuit and

Metal Gear Rising – Jack the ripper trailer

Konami released a new Metal Gear Rising trailer to whet the appetite and to focus on a name given to Raiden when he was a younger soldier – something meaningful if you’re a follower of the series lore. If not, then just enjoy the trailer for what it is.

Metal Gear Rising demo video

The Metal Gear Rising demo is coming on January 23rd and will no doubt answer many questions about this spin off game in the Metal Gear series. In the mean time, check out this demo video.

Aliens Colonial Marines TV advert

SEGA USA released a new TV advert which you can see in the video for their soon to be released Aliens Colonial Marines video game which looks like doing the franchise proud with its dark and horrific atmosphere.

This level is just one reason why DmC is awesome

Now the game has released into the wild, and no doubt places like Youtube will become flooded with walkthroughs and such like, here’s a video of one of the levels which highlights that Ninja Theory used a fair bit of imagination with their level design; taking players on a gaming

Amazing Far Cry 3 user created maps

We’ve recently been showcasing a number of Far Cry 3 user created maps and thought we’d share some of the results by picking our most favoured maps sent into us by various map making gamers from the Far Cry 3 gaming community. It takes a lot of time and patience