
DARK skills trailer

Kalypso Media released a new skills trailer for their forthcoming vampire stealth game, DARK. DARK will immerse players into a near-future urban landscape as they take on the role of Eric Bane, a newly turned vampire who is on a quest to uncover the secrets of the most ancient vampires.

Mars War Logs overview trailer

Focus Home Interactive released a new overview trailer for their forthcoming Mars War Logs which is coming to PC and consoles next month. The video is narrated by Jehanne Rousseau, CEO of Spiders Studio and shows new gameplay sequences and tells you all you need to know about the game.

Dishonored The Knife of Dunwall available now

Bethesda has today announced (in case you had forgotten) that its latest expansion for Dishonored, The Knife of Dunwall is available now on Xbox 360 and Steam – although PS3 gamers will have to wait until tomorrow. Gamers can expect to part with 800 MSP or £7.99 / €9,99 / AU$14.45.

Anna Extended Edition trailer

Kalypo Media as today released a new trailer for their PC horror game, Anna Extended Edition which hits retail today. Anna – Extended Edition boasts an improved interface and will also include new puzzles and new environments allowing for many more hours of game play as well as exclusive in

Splinter Cell Blacklist leaked trailer

For some reason there’s a bit of back story to this trailer being released then taken offline by Ubisoft, although one person has managed to keep it in the public space…for now. Watch it before it gets taken off air as it looks pretty sweet showing off Sam Fishers arsenal

Shootmania Storm launch trailer

Ubisoft has just released a new trailer to celebrate the arrival of Shootmania Storm which is available now. Be sure to check out the trailer to get an idea of what’s involved in this multiplayer centric action game. For more details head on over to :