Multi reviews

Call of Duty WWII Review

It’s that time again where Activision unleash the latest Call of Duty game. We have had the stints in the future, the modern take on warfare and now a return to the realism of World War II; pastures well-trodden from times past, so why revisit again you might ask. To

Assassin’s Creed Origins Review

It is hard to fault companies for churning out new renditions of a successful franchise year after year, especially with Assassin’s Creed that even made it to the big screen. Gamers feel the sting of mundane tasks and repetitive story lines that seem to span from the original release to

Nioh Complete Edition Review PC

After enjoying much success amongst the hardcore PS4 gaming brigade at the start of this year, Koei Tecmo has released Nioh Complete Edition on PC. This version contains all of the PS4 content including three expansions, Dragon of the North, Defiant Honor, and Bloodshed’s End. There is also a PC

Wolfenstein II The New Colossus Review

Lead Character BJ Blazkowicz, aka “Terror-Billy” lead the assassination of Nazi General Deathshead in the previous game Wolfenstein The New Order but it was a short-lived victory which also left Blazkowicz a bit worse for wear. The Nazi grip on the American people intensifies leaving Billy and his band of

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Review

Trey Parker and Matt Stone turned an animated show into one of the longest running series that continually pushes the boundaries on socially sensitive subjects and stereotypes. The crass humor is one of the many charms of South Park, but what really keeps things going are the imaginative schemes and

The Evil Within 2 Review (video)

Shinji Mikami’s Tango Gameworks returns with The Evil Within 2 which follows the tale of lead protagonist Sebastian Castellanos and the mind changing Stem system which brought the horrors to life. Now his daughter is missing inside Stem and it’s up to Sebastian to go deep and retrieve her before

Middle Earth: Shadow Of War Review

Monolith return to the Lord of the Rings universe with the release of Middle Earth: Shadow of War which ups the stakes from the previous game Shadow of Mordor whilst offering a similar, more refined experience in the process. Aside from any controversies regarding the game’s loot box system is

Arktika.1 Review

4A Games released its much anticipated shooter Arktika.1 exclusively for the Oculus Rift and now that we’ve completed the game can safely say it’s a bit of an oddball. At its heart there’s a shooting gallery type game here but tagging it with such a simplistic sounding premise wouldn’t be

NBA 2K18 Review

The sports genre use to be filled with a variety of options, but as videogames have evolved the average games that once flooded the market have fallen by the wayside leaving a choice few sitting at the top of the charts. NBA 2K is one such game that has climbed

Forza MotorSport 7 Review

It seems unbelievable that we’re already at Turn 10’s 7th Forza Motorsport game with their arrival of Forza MotorSport 7 (that’s not including spin-offs such as Forza Horizon). Going way back to the Xbox original in May 2005 and now some 12 years later we’re literally three generations apart in