Multi reviews

GROW: Song of the Evertree Review PC

Developer Prideful Sloth and 505 Games presents a new relaxing hybrid game entitled, GROW: Song of the Evertree. Coming from their previous game, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles which released back in 2017 this new game offers a similar approach but a whole lot more to boot. Where Yonder focused

FAR CRY 6 Review PC

Ubisoft continues its Far Cry series with a fresh story and more open-world shenanigans in Far Cry 6. Welcome to the island of Yara, a veritable playground featuring the usual suspects. Aside from a few nuanced gameplay additions, is this worthy of your time and money. Take a look at

Gamedec Review PC – No Spoilers (Video & Text)

Anshar Studios released their isometric cyberpunk-themed role playing game on PC (soon to be on Switch) Gamedec. You play as a detective who investigates crimes within virtual worlds. Gamedec comes from the mind of Polish author, Marcin Przybyłek who released a book of the same name back in 2004. Now

Samurai Warriors 5 Review PC

Omega Force released their latest Musou game on PS4 and PC. Take a look at our Samurai Warriors 5 review (PC version) to see if it’s worth diving-in. When I imagine the Omega Force office, I have to believe that “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” is written (in

Foreclosed Review PC – Comic Book Cyberpunk Action

Merge Games and Developer Antab Studio presents the comic book style narrative driven action adventure game Foreclosed which releases on consoles and PC from August 12th. Players assume the role of Evan Kapnos, where he becomes stripped of his job, his implants and access to the city Block-chain. People are

Red Solstice 2 Survivors Review PC

Released in June by developer Ironward and the ubiquitous publisher 505 Games, Red Solstice 2: Survivors is the sequel to Ironward’s self-published 2015 game, The Red Solstice. After some introductory narration and a tutorial, Survivors threw me onto, appropriately for its title, the surface of Mars, and left me to