
Will Microsoft lower the Xbox One price to match PS4?

Microsoft has done a massive u-turn with its Internet 24 hour check in, and game sharing policy after reactions from the general public. However, it would be ignorant to believe Microsoft’s actions are reactionary as opposed to something pre-planned or at least signs they had a contingency for the expected

Xbox One just lost one of its best features

News just in. Microsoft has posted details of some policy changes for Xbox One which will be music to gamers ears, but not all of them. On its official newswire website the details have been amended to reflect that Xbox One offline play will be enabled with the use of

Could game sharing be coming to Steam?

A user over at the Neogaf forums posted some interesting info on what looks like the possibility of sharing games using the Steam service. In the latest Steam Beta update some interesting text was unearthed. To check it for yourself, you can update to Steam Beta. Steam > Settings >

PS4 share to Youtube confirmation

There’s been a lot of speculation as to whether the PS4 share function will allow gamers to upload their videos and screenshots beyond Facebook, well now there’s confirmation that Facebook isn’t the only social media channel that will be available. Speaking to Jimmy Fallon on last night’s show during the

Xbox One is more powerful than Xbox 360

Microsoft’s fumbling Microsoft Games Studio head Phil Spencer has come unstuck once more, this time with comments regarding how powerful the Xbox One is compared to the Xbox 360. When asked on the Jimmy Fallon show, Phil mentions three times the power which went against what had previously been discovered.

Rift free to play trailer

Trion Worlds’ MMO Rift is now free to play and worthy of your time. Take a look at the video which shows off the action you’re missing with one simple download from the official website.