
Killer Instinct pricing detailed

The Xbox One free to download fighting game Killer Instinct, will allow gamers just one character with the rest being purchased for £3.99 each. For the dedicated, there will be several packs available with offer reasonable extras.  In the meantime, take a look at the latest screenshots for the game.

The Division on PC video

Massive Entertainment talks about The Division on PC which is great news for fans who cried out for the game that was previously announced for Xbox One and PS4. Ubisoft also released a The Division companion gameplay video.

Fable Legends screenshots

Microsoft announced a new game in their Fable franchise, with the announcement of Fable Legends for Xbox One, and to celebrate, released some screenshots, details and trailer. We expected this announcement at E3 this year, but better late than never. About Fable Legends: “Fable Legends” unites the classic

Splinter Cell Blacklist accolades trailer

Ubisoft released this rather cool trailer which looks at the accolades the game has received from a number of gaming publications. Splinter Cell Blacklist hits North American stores today and will release on the 23rd in Europe.    

Wildstar’s unique business model revealed

NCSoft’s forthcoming MMO Wildstar adopts an interesting business approach where gamers will be able to either pay a subscripton, or play hard and get the game for free. Jeremy Gaffney of Carbine Studios explains how things will work over at the official site. Quote: First thing’s first: you buy WildStar

Guild Wars 2 fastest selling MMO in NA and Europe

Developers of the Guild Wars franchise ArenaNet has today announced that Guild Wars 2 ranks as the all-time fastest selling Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) in Europe and North America. According to figures the game has sold within its first nine months in excess of 3 million units.

Microsoft confirms Xbox One import details

Xbox One will be region free, as will its games which is good news for those wishing to import the console in regions where the Xbox One will be delayed. However there might be some restrictions depending on the game, and Xbox Live purchases might not be possible if a