Resident Evil 6 – a look at the new skill system

Resident Evil 6 ups the ante on past themes and offers a full skill system where players can collect and spend points on upgrades that can make the battle easier, and sometimes harder. This optional system certainly lends credence to the action slant of the game, however, it also serves

Resident Evil 6 is awesome, here’s why

Resident Evil has evolved, there’s no mistaking that, but in the process has given birth to a hybrid action survival horror genre of its own. It’s obvious fans of the original masterpieces are going to have to leave any preconceived ideas at the door, as Resident Evil 6 makes no

Could EA win the shooter war with free DLC?

With recent comments from Co-Founder and joint-CEO of CD Projekt Marcin Iwinski, who talked about free downloadable content (DLC). He expressed belief that publishers who exploit gamers will feel it in the end when consumers begin to opt for products offering free DLC. He also said, the free content of

Most wanted next gen gameplay improvements

There’s an argument and perhaps a conundrum when it comes to Next Generation gaming, in that for some people the personification of next gen boils down to how well a game looks; but aside from pretty graphics, what changes can and should gamers expect from new hardware rolling out next

The new Resident Evil – Adapt or Die

Resident Evil 6 asks you kindly to put away any preconceived ideas about the series, and merely focus on some new storytelling with familiar characters and some hybrid gameplay that fuses elements of action and more methodical cinematic direction. However, if you’re stuck in the past wishing for a return