Xbox Game Pass App for Quest VR is totally pointless but has so much potential

In this video, we take a closer look at the recently released Xbox Game Pass App for Quest VR headsets and determine that due to being able to do more with the Quest Browser, it’s pretty pointless as it is. Yet, there’s so much room for potential with the social aspects of the devices. We also compare to how it holds-up against paid for apps like Virtual Desktop.

So, I thought I’d give this a try considering it’s something that is quite easy to do without actually having the app, to the point where I am wondering what’s the point at this stage? In the video, I compare the Xbox Game Pass App with simply loading the same Xbox Game Pass via the Quest Browser. How does it compare to playing natively Xbox Game Pass games via Virtual Desktop and what’s the best type of games to play using cloud gaming in VR.

At best, there is no point even if it’s free, however there is a ton of potential here if Microsoft and Meta can add some neat additions such as:

  • Different rooms/play spaces
  • Customizable rooms
  • Trophies that can be placed in the rooms
  • Invite others into your unique room for entertainment meetups even if they don’t have Game pass sub
  • Allow others to join room to watch you play
  • Allow others to interact in VR with your unique objects in the room
  • Basically, social options in VR using the game pass app.

If you’re going to use Xbox Game Pass in VR on Quest, then Virtual Desktop has the most options which I hope Microsoft/Meta will take note of. It’s a nice addition at present for those who don’t want to mess with the Quest Browser, but is extremely limited in options rn.

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.