VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out! – Gameplay Try the demo now

We take developer Vanilla Gaming Company’s retro inspired boxing game VanillaBeast: Retro Knock-Out! for a spin. It’s vulgar, has some comedic scenes and is fun to play. We like it. The full game boasts 30 opponents for you to take down. It was also Kickstarter funded within hours. Grab the demo on Steam.

Think Leisure Suit Larry gets lost in Frank Millers Sin City then runs into Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out! in a dark alley. Whether you’re a hardcore boxing fan, a retro gamer, or a casual gamer looking for a fun (and funny) fast-paced boxing game, Retro KO! is the parody game for you!

Over 30 parody boxers with hilarious intros, dialog, and animations. Face off against Fake Jaul, Mason Gorehees, Cocky, Iron Druggo, Macho Boxer Dandy Ravage, Smasher Wang, and of course the reigning champ.. Tike Myson.

-Gorgeous character and level design paying homage to the OG Punch-Out!
-Awesome indoor and outdoor parody venues such as “Madison’s Bare Garden” and “Big Bounce Beach” offer fun and unique boxing locations.
-Beautiful story illustrated by Oleg Okunev (Perky Little Things, Pestilence, Metropolis: Lux Obscura, etc.).
-10-point must scoring system, just like the pros use.
-Classic soundtrack featuring original 8-Bit chiptunes as well as modern parody tracks.
-Full boxer entrances complete with ring walks, dialog, and intro music.
-Retro-style gameplay brought together with modern animation and game design. We have something for retro gamers as well as true boxing fans.

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.