Warner Bros.

Mortal Kombat 11 UK BETA Trailer

Warner Bros. just announced the The Mortal Kombat 11 closed beta which kicks-off from Wednesday, 27th March at 15:00 GMT in the UK and will run through to Monday, 1st April at 07:59 a.m. GMT. Gamers who pre-order on PS4 or Xbox One will gain access. Characters included in the

HITMAN 2 Gameplay 4K – RTX 2080 Ti

Take a look at this HITMAN 2 gameplay using the RTX 2080 ti at Ultra settings 4K. The video highlights two missions (Nightcall and Miami) showing various strains on the GPU and CPU. The video also showcases how well optimised the game is. However, Denuvo might be causing some stuttering