Playstation 3

WRC 3 Mexico gameplay trailer

Black Bean released a new trailer for their WRC 3 which looks set to churn up the dirt and post some super fast times when it releases next week on the 12th October for multiple systems. WRC3 is the only Official game of the World Rally Championships — packed with

The Final Hours of Tomb Raider: Origins of a Story part 2

Crystal Dynamics has just released the second in their series of behind the scenes documentaries entitled, The Final Hours of Tomb Raider: Origins of a Story. This latest episode explores the heart of Tomb Raider through an exploration of character development and narrative. Featuring Lead Writer Rhianna Pratchett, Narrative Designer

Borderlands 2 review

Few games come along that elicit as much notable praise and loyal dedication as the original Borderlands did. Fewer still spawn solid sequels that take what the initial outings achieved and improve on them even more, becoming something entirely more special in their own right. Fortunately, Borderlands 2 is one

Playstation All Stars – final launch characters

Sony has announced the final 20 characters that will ship with their forthcoming fighting game, Playstation All Stars Battle Royale. So without further ado, here’s the 20 that made the cut – although more could be added via DLC. Big Daddy Cole MacGrath Evil Cole MacGrath Colonel Radec Dante Fat