
Flashback video review

We take a look at Ubisoft’s remake of the 1992 classic game Flashback which is available now on XBLA, PSN and PC platforms. The game isn’t supposed to be a re-write but more the vision the game’s designer had back in the 90s with a lick of current gen paint.

Flashback 2013 – Making of Video

Ubisoft just released a new video for their forthcoming digital download game Flashback 2013 which is a complete re-imagining of the original game. The game will cost 800 MSP and comes complete with the original game for free on the 21st August. http://youtu.be/5Gt1eA7UMRs  

Ubisoft Digital Day games impressions

Earlier this week we headed off to central London to sample some of Ubisoft’s upcoming digital releases which included Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, Cloudberry Kingdom, Might & Magic X Legacy and Flashback. Take a look at the video which shows off the event surrounds. First up, we’re taking a

Flashback will contain secret elements for fans

We sampled the delights of Flashback at Ubisoft’s April Digital event showcase earlier this week and had a chat with the game’s co-writer Simon McKenzie who stated that the game was something creator Paul Cuisset would have liked to have made in the 90s but obviously due to technical limitations