Sleeping Dogs DLC packs available now

Gamers can now download two packs from Xbox Live or PSN for Square’s Sleeping Dogs.  The SWAT pack and the must-have Screen Legends pack introduces extra missions and some new outfits. The SWAT Pack (320MSP, $3.99, €2.99, £2.39) and the Screen Legends Pack (160MSP, $1.99 / €1.49 / £1.19) are

Forza Horizon Rally DLC details and more

Microsoft, Turn 10 and Playground Games have announced the “Forza Horizon Rally Expansion Pack” which adds a wealth of rally based content to the existing Forza Horizon package and will release on November 18th. The Rally Expansion Pack will offer a more engaging off-road racing experience with deeper ruts, higher

Resident Evil 6 on disc content will be Free

According to reports, Capcom has revealed that the forthcoming No Hope Left difficulty mode, Ada Wong campaign instant unlock and a new playable co-op partner for her story will be made available via a title update at no extra cost. Capcom also reiterated that all content on the disc will

One Piece Pirate Warriors Boa & Kimono DLC 2 trailer

Namco Bandai released a new trailer which showcases the second piece of downloadable content for their One Piece Pirate Warriors. Some new costumes and scenarios are yours for just 3 Euros. Here are the details: – A new Amazon Lilly costume for Hancock and the additional scenario “Winter Castle, Blossom

Resident Evil 6 sexy alternate outfits

Capcom are naturally planning several downloadable costume packs for their soon to be released Resident Evil 6, here’s a look at some of the females.We’re not sure how much each pack will cost, but they look like interesting choices for those who succumb. It has been reported that these can