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SEGA Announce Yakuza Kiwami 2

SEGA has announced Yakuza Kiwami 2 (remastering of Yakuza 2) for Japanese gamers on December 7th which can only mean one thing that western gamers should see a localized version at some point in 2018. This is just before the official western release of Yakuza Kiwami on August 29th for

Xbox Games with Gold September 2017

Here are Xbox Games with Gold September 2017 lineup for Xbox One which includes: Forza Motorsport 5: Game of the Year Edition and Oxenfree. For Xbox 360 owners (and through Xbox One backward compatibility), September kicks off with Hydro Thunder Hurricane, followed by Battlefield 3. September’s lineup provides over $94

RITE of ILK – Official Trailer

You will find two young ILK bound together by a single rope as they cling to survival in a world most stranger to them. Mokh and Tarh must combine each other’s strengths to quell any weaknesses they will inevitably face if they have any hope in restoring peace with the