Mutant Football League needs your support

Michael Mendheim who created and worked on the original Mutant Football League video game way back in 1991 is looking for backers to bring the game to the masses once more via Kickstarter. In a nutshell, Mutant Football League needs your support!

The aim is to reach $750,000 by October 29th to get the game developed by a team of hard working individuals including Michael himself. The game will be coming to Steam but could also make its way to the Xbox One if there’s enough interest. Take a look at some images and be sure to head on over to the Kickstarter page to offer your support for this cool looking sports game with a difference.

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About Mutant Football League:

Mutant Football League will be a great-playing action football game with deep strategy, bone-crunching hits, over-the-top gore, a graveyard full of tongue-through-cheek humor, and a mind-blowing roster of original customizable characters, environments, and gameplay features and options, including:

  • Mutants vs. Monsters – 30 vicious teams featuring  a variety of awesome, fully customizable Monster and Mutant characters including: Mutant Humans, The Undead, Battlebots, Orcs, and more!.
  • Maximum Carnage – Inflict devastating mayhem on the opposition with punching, kicking, bombs, clubs, axes and even chainsaws.
  • Killer Stadiums – The stadiums are filled with crazed and obnoxious weapon-wielding fans, and the fields are strewn with hazards, traps and debris. No field is the same, and all fields are deadly.
  • Dirty Trick Plays – These are mean, nasty, unfair and lowdown plays intended to hose the opposition, or if that doesn’t work, kill them.
  • Customizable Creatures – Create and name your own team and players, assign players a position, train them with skills and abilities, give them attack moves, add armor and weapons and let them loose!
  • Tongue-Through-Cheek Humor – A fun, entertaining and off-the-wall parody of the NFL, with all the excitement, hard-hitting action, lunacy, unspeakable greed, corporate ruthlessness, hypocrisy and over-the-top egos that professional sports has to offer.

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.