LONN could be one of the Best VR games you never played

Due to the sheer number of video-game releases these days, often there are times when some games fall-under-the-radar. In the VR realm that is even more of a reality with the massive amounts of fluff that adorns Steam’s new releases pages week after week. Case-in-point, SixSense’s LONN which released at the tail end of 2022 for PC VR. Whilst receiving some positive praise in the Steam reviews, it still didn’t generate as much buzz as we expected. Hopefully then the game comes to Playstation VR 2 (developer SixSense have expressed their desire to make this happen) and reignites the flame. We first picked-up on the game with the reveal several years ago, and once it released we were on it like a fly to a cheese and ham sandwich. Initially, the game had some control issues, but after a few updates was brought up-to-speed. Now, it plays much better and feels like a solid VR experience despite still needing a bit of polish here and there.

LONN offers action, stealth, exploration, ranged attacks with firearms, melee combat with swords, clubs etc. and a decent story alongside several additional modes to keep players well-entertained. It also manages to pull all of these gameplay features together to form a comprehensive slice of VR gaming that is involving, but not too taxing on the body. The problem from SixSense and developers making VR games is that it’s hard to breakthrough to the niche market of VR gamers. Which to be frank, pales in comparison to those playing regular flatscreen games.

Hopefully then, with the advent of Playstation VR 2 and a planned version, SixSense can reap the rewards from the Playstation masses. They certainly deserve some reckognition for the effort they have put into LONN as a small team.

LONN is available now via Steam and planned for release on other platforms.

Written by: Rob Cram

Rob Cram has hundreds of video game reviews, thousands of articles under his belt with years of experience in gaming and tech. He aims to remain fair and free from publisher/developer influence. With his extensive knowledge, feels his gaming opinions are valid and worth sharing. Agreement with his views are entirely optional. He might have a bias towards cyberpunk.