Videos multi

Tomb Raider guide to survival video

Square Enix released a new Tomb Raider video which takes a look at the world of young Lara Croft: exploring the decisions she faces as she is forced to survive the wilds. It’s part one of a mini series, so stay tuned for the rest.

Splinter Cell Blacklist artistic direction video

Ubisoft released a new video in their comdev series which takes a closer look at the artistic direction of their forthcoming Splinter Cell Blacklist which is coming to multiple platforms next year. Director Scott Lee shares some insight into the game’s overarching visual styling as well as the re-emergence of

Dead Space 3 two ways to play trailer

EA’s Dead Space 3 is coming next year and aims to take things to a new level with a drop in and out co-op or solo campaign offering double the fun. Check out the latest trailer and screenshots. In Dead Space 3, there’s two ways to play. Go it alone

A Walk in the Dark trailer (PC)

Flying Turtle Software released a new launch trailer for their platforming adventure A Walk in the Dark which shows off the cool silhouette art direction and some fiendish platforming action. The game is available for PC platforms.

SimCity casino talkthrough video

Maxis’ Designer Stone Librande is back in a new video which takes a look at the SimCity casino functions in the forthcoming all new, SimCity. He touches on a lot of other stuff too and is well worth checking out.