Multi Screens

Guild Wars 2 The Lost Shores screenshots

NCSoft released some new Guild Wars 2 The Lost Shores screenshots which herald the start of the new expansion coming on November 15th. [nggallery id=21] A Mini-Expansion Following the hugely successful multi-stage mystery of the recent Halloween event, the Lost Shores update continues ArenaNet’s tradition of delivering regular content, compelling

DK Online Realm Vs Realm mode revealed

Aeria Games has today spilled the beans on its DK Online Realm vs Realm mode (RvR) in its forthcoming  free to play MMO. What’s more some new screenshots were released ahead of the game anticipated launch of its Beta phase.  Players can sign up for the Beta now over at

Wargame AirLand Battle screenshots

Eugen Systems has today released some new screenshots of their RTS game Wargame AirLand Battle which is the sequel to Wargame: European Escalation. With the integration of air forces and a huge fleet of more than 150 crafts of all kinds, and more than 200 new ground-based combat units and vehicles,

Rise of the Guardians box art and images

Namco Bandai released the final boxart for their movie tie in video game based on the Rise of the Guardians animated movie of the same name. We’ve also included a handful of screenshots showing various elements of this action packed adventure game. Rise of the Guardians releases on the 23rd

Rise of the Triad artwork and screenshots

Interceptor Entertainment released some  Rise of the Triad artwork and screenshots and discusses how they’re reviving the Apogee classic in the first part of their production diary videos. Take a look at this simplistic classic reborn for a modern age. [nggallery id=12]

Chaos On Deponia goes Gold

Daedalic Entertainment has just announced that they have completed development on the localized version of Chaos On Deponia which is coming to Steam for $19.99 on PC and Mac.  Chaos On Deponia will be the second point and click adventure game in their “Deponia” trilogy.  They have also announced the game

Painkiller Hell & Damnation launch screens

Nordic Games released some Painkiller Hell & Damnation launch screens to remind PC gamers that the action packed no nonsense first person shooter is available now via Steam. Painkiller Hell & Damnation offers a fine old school shooting experience, that was fresh in 2004 and is still kicking it today