Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide Console Release Trailer

Fatshark are poised to release their Left 4 Dead style co-op style action game Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide on consoles from October 4th 2016.
Fatshark are poised to release their Left 4 Dead style co-op style action game Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide on consoles from October 4th 2016.
Talk about a busy name. I went into this review completely blind, knowing nothing of tides of vermin, Warhammer, and only having a biblical account of the end times. Having played a good bit of the game now, I can comfortably declare that if the actual end times have as
Fatshark’s Warhammer: End Times Vermintide releases on PC this week (2016 for consoles) and looks set to offer some team based survival horrors against the rat like Skaven. If you like Left 4 Dead with a touch of fantasy gothic style then this game is very much for you. Take
The Warhammer End Times Vermintide Beta is currently under way and allows gamers the chance to play three of the game’s levels. If you’re not up to speed on what’s entailed then imagine Left 4 Dead minus the zombies and instead hordes of Skaven or giant rats with human like
Fatshark released a new action reel video which shows off the gameplay from their forthcoming Warhammer: End Times Vermintide. This first video of five showcasing the Witch Hunter Victor Saltzpyre a lethal and deadly marksman with melee skills to match. You can find out more about the game by visiting
Fatshark has today released a new behind the scenes trailer for their forthcoming Warhammer End Times Vermintide game which is heading to Steam in Q3 2015. In the video the Associate Producer Liam O’Neill and Game Designer Victor Magnuson talk about the combat and some of features as part of