ELEX II – Factions Trailer
Developer Piranha Bytes presents the Elex II factions in this latest trailer ahead of the game’s launch on March 1st , 2022. The game will ship for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X and Xbox One.
Developer Piranha Bytes presents the Elex II factions in this latest trailer ahead of the game’s launch on March 1st , 2022. The game will ship for PC, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series S|X and Xbox One.
Piranha Bytes & Nordic Games release an ELEX mood video which shows off the game’s wonderful looking environments. The action role playing game is heading to Xbox One, PS4 and PC and will be showcased more at E3 2016. For more details head on over to the official website. Features
Pirahnah Bytes’ action role playing game makes a third appearance on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC coming complete with lots of enemies to kill, chests to plunder and characters to mingle with. Is Risen 3 Titan Lords worthy of your time and effort, take a look at our video or
Deep Silver released a new Risen 3 video which takes a close look at the game’s features which takes the best elements from the Gothic/Risen series and creates the wonderfully rich and detailed world with a new character and story. The game releases on August 15th on PC, Xbox 360